
Whether you are a Parishioner or a virtual visitor we extend you the warmest welcome and all God’s Blessings.


The name comes from the Founder, an Italian Priest, named Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850) who lived and exercised his priestly ministry in a very difficult political and social culture. In the wake of the French Revolution and during a period of great political turbulence and anti-clericalism in his native Rome Vincent was part of a Church struggling to maintain it’s identity and religious influence. To counteract this dire situation he had a vision of all Catholics, clergy and laity working together to renew faith and en-kindle charity.

He formed a small group of clergy, religious and laity who met regularly and prayed together and tried to give expression to their faith by works of charity. This umbrella group were called Union of Catholic Apostolate. In 1835 he founded the Society of Catholic Apostolate which consisted of Priests and Brothers. He also founded two communities of sisters. His intention was that all those together with committed groups of laity would unite their energies for the welfare of people and the Church.

The Pallottines or Society of Catholic Apostolate came to the Diocese of Brentwood in 1935 and opened the Parish of St Thomas More. They have continued to service the Parish up the present time. In 2010 we celebrated 75 years of the life of this Parish which was a real milestone in it’s history. The Pallottine Fathers serve across the world but especially in east Africa, southern India, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Rome.

Parish council

The Parish Council exists to aid the Priests in the administrative running of the Parish and is staffed by volunteers. Elections to the council are held annually for a small number of posts but all members of the Parish community make up the body of the Parish Council and are welcome to attend meetings to offer support and assist the council board to run the Parish The Parish Council takes an active role in representing the Parish at Diocesan level through the Diocesan Plenary Forum and welcomes any comments or questions you may have for the Diocese.

The Council is the focal point for the many clubs and groups in the Parish including the Friendship club, Youth Club, Family (toddlers) Group and many more. Below are the current Council officers, who would like to thank sincerely all those who assist them in the execution of their duties. There are of course so many who help in immeasurable ways such as sacramental catechists, incident controllers, church seasonal decorators, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, Liturgy readers and so much more…..

BUT….we have never knowingly turned down a volunteer!

Youth council

A new and exciting development in Parish life is the imminent launch of a new Youth Council to oversee the implementation of a new Parish initiative, the Parish Youth Service.

Further details will be released prior to the formal launch of this exciting addition to our Parish